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Mysteries Of Turkey Vulture Call

turkey vulture call

Did you know that the Turkey Vulture call can be heard from up to a mile away? Turkey Vultures are often judged unfairly, but if we listen closely, we can learn a lot from them. Their sounds or calls are a big part of what they do, and getting to know these sounds helps us understand these amazing birds better.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Turkey Vulture‘s call can be heard from up to a mile away.
  • Understanding the Turkey Vulture’s call unveils the mysteries behind these magnificent creatures.
  • Turkey Vultures play a vital role in nature’s clean-up crew.
  • Don’t overlook the importance of Turkey Vultures in maintaining ecological balance.
  • Appreciating Turkey Vultures’ vocalizations brings us closer to understanding their behaviors and habits.

Turkey Vulture Call

Turkey Vulture Call

Contributor : Kent Livezey.
When I got close to a bridge, several Turkey Vultures that were sitting on the railing flew away. They made some light grunting sounds (at the start and a bit later) as they started flying; you could hear the flap of their wings in the last 2 seconds. The really quiet grunting noises were made by Neotropic Cormorants.

Contributor : Andrew Spencer.
Two older baby birds were making warning noises because we were near their nest in an old barn. They were on the ground and moved back to where their nest was without showing any signs of wanting to scare us away. Around 1:32, you can hear a noise because one of the birds jumped on something on the stall floor. It was really dark in the barn, so it was hard to see the birds clearly. But with a flashlight, we could tell they had feathers on their back but were still fluffy underneath, and they were almost as big as grown-up birds.

The Unique Lifestyle of Turkey Vultures

Turkey Vultures are really cool birds with some unique qualities. Unlike most birds, they have a great sense of smell that helps them find their food, which is mostly dead animals. This makes them important for cleaning up the environment. They are also amazing at surviving in different places, thanks to their special flying style and ability to adapt.

Learning about these cool features helps us see how Turkey Vultures play a key role in nature and why they’re special in the world of birds.

The Habitats of Turkey Vultures

Turkey Vultures are amazing birds that can live in lots of different places. They can be found in open fields, thick forests, and even on rocky mountains. These places are all very different from each other, but Turkey Vultures know how to make each one work for them. They’re really good at dealing with whatever each place throws at them, whether it’s finding food or a place to rest.

To really get why Turkey Vultures are so cool, it helps to check out where they live. By looking at their homes, we can see how they’re able to adjust to pretty much anywhere and why they’re important for keeping nature balanced. Let’s dive into some of the spots where these awesome birds hang out:

1. Expansive Grasslands

Turkey Vultures are often spotted soaring above vast stretches of grasslands, where they can efficiently search for carrion and prey. The open spaces and abundant food sources make grasslands an ideal habitat for these birds.

2. Dense Woods

In addition to grasslands, Turkey Vultures also find refuge in dense woods and forested areas. The shelter provided by the canopy of trees offers protection from the elements and provides suitable nesting sites for breeding and raising their young.

3. Rugged Mountains

Surprisingly, Turkey Vultures are equally at home in rugged mountainous regions. Their remarkable flying skills and keen eyesight allow them to navigate the challenging terrain with ease, as they search for carrion amongst the cliffs and valleys.

These diverse habitats reflect the adaptability of Turkey Vultures, highlighting their ability to thrive in various environments. Understanding their habitats not only enhances our appreciation for these birds but also deepens our understanding of their critical role in the delicate balance of nature.

Turkey vulture habitats call

Turkey Vultures’ Feeding Habits

Turkey Vultures, with their exceptional scavenging behavior, play a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment and preventing the spread of diseases. As primarily scavengers, they feed on carrion, and their diverse diet showcases their adaptability as hygienic custodians of nature.

These opportunistic birds possess a voracious appetite and feed on a variety of creatures. Their diet includes small rodents, medium-sized mammals, birds, reptiles, and even fresh meat, fruits, and invertebrates when available. This flexibility in their feeding habits helps them survive in diverse environments and ensures their ability to clean up carrion effectively.

Table: Turkey Vultures’ Diverse Diet

Food SourceDescription
Small rodentsIncludes mice, rats, voles, and other small mammals
Medium-sized mammalsSuch as rabbits, squirrels, and possums
BirdsIncluding waterfowl, songbirds, and small raptors
ReptilesSuch as snakes and lizards
Fresh meatWhen available, they will consume recently killed animals
Fruits and invertebratesSupplementary food sources during times of scarcity

By efficiently clearing away carrion and consuming various food sources, Turkey Vultures contribute to the ecological balance and help prevent the spread of disease. Their feeding habits exemplify their unique role in nature’s clean-up crew, ensuring a healthier environment for all.

Turkey Vultures’ Nesting Habits

Turkey Vultures exhibit interesting nesting habits and choose various locations to raise their young. These include sheltered areas such as hollow logs, dense thickets, or deserted burrows. Nesting is an essential aspect of their lifecycle, as it enables the continuation of their species. The vultures dedicatedly nurture and feed their offspring, playing a vital role in their development.

During the nesting period, which lasts for about ten weeks, both parents take turns in caring for the chicks. This shared responsibility ensures the well-being and growth of the young vultures. The bond between the parents and their devotion to their offspring is truly remarkable, showcasing their commitment to family life.

However, Turkey Vultures face significant challenges due to human impacts on their habitats. Habitat destruction and rapid development pose a threat to their nesting habits and overall survival. It is crucial to prioritize and implement conservation efforts that focus on preserving their habitats, ensuring the continued success of their nesting behaviors.

Turkey Vulture Nesting
Nesting BehaviorChallenges
Turkey Vultures nest in sheltered areas such as hollow logs, dense thickets, or deserted burrows.Human impacts: habitat destruction and rapid development
Both parents take turns in caring for the chicks during the ten-week nesting period.Threats to nesting habits jeopardize the survival of the species.


Turkey Vultures are cool birds with some interesting habits that help nature stay balanced. They’re like nature’s cleaning team because they eat dead animals, which helps prevent the spread of diseases. Let’s learn why they’re so important and how they do their job.

First off, these birds have a special call that they use to talk to each other. They can find food, claim their space, and even find a partner with these sounds. Listening to their calls helps us understand how they live and work together.

We need to make sure Turkey Vultures stick around for a long time. Protecting where they live and teaching people about how awesome they are can help a lot. When we keep their homes safe from harm and spread the word about their good deeds for the environment, we’re helping them survive.

In short, Turkey Vultures are fascinating creatures with their unique calls and ways of living. By learning more about them and how they fit into nature, we grow to appreciate them more. They play a big role in keeping our planet clean, so it’s important to protect them and their homes.


What does the Turkey Vulture call sound like?

The Turkey Vulture call can be best described as a series of low grunts or hisses. Some people compare it to the sound of blowing bubbles underwater. It is a distinctive, raspy vocalization that is often heard when the birds are flying or perched in a group. The call is not melodic but rather utilitarian, serving as a form of communication between individuals and as a way to establish territorial boundaries.

How can I identify the Turkey Vulture’s call?

The Turkey Vulture’s call is unique and can be quite recognizable once you become familiar with it. It is a low, hoarse sound made up of short, distinct grunts or hisses. If you hear a series of deep, guttural noises while you are outdoors, there is a good chance that it is a Turkey Vulture calling. Pay attention to the location and look for any nearby vultures to confirm your identification.

What is the purpose of the Turkey Vulture’s call?

The Turkey Vulture’s call serves various purposes. Firstly, it is a form of communication between individuals within a group or colony. It helps them establish and maintain their hierarchy and social structure. Additionally, the vocalizations can serve as a territorial display, warning other vultures to stay away from their feeding areas or nesting sites. Lastly, the call can attract potential mates during the breeding season and aid in pair bonding.

Can I learn to imitate the Turkey Vulture’s call?

While it is possible to learn to imitate the Turkey Vulture’s call, it requires practice and patience. The best way to learn is by listening to recordings of the call and then attempting to mimic it. It may take time to refine your technique and achieve a convincing imitation, as the Turkey Vulture’s call is unique and distinct. Remember to respect the birds and their natural behavior, and avoid using imitations to disturb or attract them unnecessarily.

Are there any recordings available of the Turkey Vulture’s call?

Yes, there are several recordings available online that feature the Turkey Vulture’s call. These resources can be helpful for learning to identify the call and familiarizing yourself with its nuances. You can find audio recordings on birding websites, ornithology databases, and even bird-watching apps. Listening to these recordings can enhance your understanding and appreciation of this fascinating bird species.

How can I document or record the Turkey Vulture’s call?

If you are interested in documenting or recording the Turkey Vulture’s call, there are a few approaches you can take. One option is to use a digital voice recorder or a high-quality smartphone app specifically designed for bird recordings. Position yourself at a safe distance from the birds and aim the recorder towards them to capture the best audio. Alternatively, you can search for existing recordings online or collaborate with birding organizations or researchers who may have access to professional-grade recording equipment.

