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Top 10 Birds That Are Red And Black

A male Scarlet Tanager

The colors of birds that are red and black not just a random occurrence in nature. These vibrant hues serve strategic purposes, from signaling strength to attracting mates. They create a visual spectacle for birdwatchers and symbolize the diversity of avian life. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most notable red and black birds found across North America, delving into their world with fascinating facts and details.

The Allure of Red and Black Birds

Red and black birds stand out against the verdant backdrop of nature due to their striking coloration. This contrast is not merely for human admiration but plays a crucial role in their survival and social structures. These colors can indicate health and vitality, making them important in mating rituals.

Significance of Red and Black Plumage

The plumage of these birds is not only about aesthetics. The intensity of the red can be a sign of a strong immune system or a diet rich in carotenoids, which are attractive traits for potential partners. Black feathers, meanwhile can absorb more sunlight, possibly aiding in thermoregulation.

Common Birds That Are Red and Black in North America

Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal Birds That Are Red And Black


The Northern Cardinal is a familiar sight at bird feeders, known for its brilliant red plumage and melodic songs. These birds prefer habitats that include woodland edges, gardens, and shrublands.

Interesting Facts

Did you know that male cardinals are among the most vividly red birds in North America? Their red color comes from pigments found in their diet of seeds and fruits.

Scarlet Tanager

Male Scarlet Tanager


This medium-sized songbird boasts a bold red body contrasted with black wings and tail. Scarlet Tanagers inhabit deciduous forests, often staying high in the canopy.

Interesting Facts

Scarlet Tanagers undergo a complete molt before they migrate each fall, transitioning to an olive-yellow color, which provides better camouflage during their journey to South America. [1]

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak


With its striking red breast patch and contrasting black and white plumage, the Rose-breasted Grosbeak is a sight to behold. It thrives in wooded areas, often near streams or wetlands.

Interesting Facts

These birds have a unique beak that allows them to crack open hard seeds with ease. They’re also known for their lovely duet songs during breeding season.

Red-winged Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbird


Red-winged Blackbirds are recognized by the male’s jet-black body and bright red shoulder patches. They are commonly found in marshes, wetlands, and agricultural areas.

Interesting Facts

One fascinating aspect of the Red-winged Blackbird is its ability to change its eating habits seasonally, shifting from insects in the summer to grains and seeds in the winter.

Uncommon Red and Black Birds

Elegant Trogon


The Elegant Trogon is a rare sight, with its resplendent red belly and dark upper parts. These elusive birds prefer the canopies of tropical and subtropical forests.

Interesting Facts

They are known for their haunting calls and are often more easily heard than seen, blending into the dense foliage of their habitats.

Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker


As one of the largest woodpeckers, the Pileated Woodpecker has a striking appearance with its red crest and black body. These birds are found in large, mature forests with plenty of dead trees to forage on.

Interesting Facts

Their drumming can be heard from far away as they peck at trees to find insects, especially carpenter ants, their food of choice.

Vermilion Flycatcher

Vermilion Flycatcher


The Vermilion Flycatcher is a small bird with a bright red body and contrasting brown back and wings. It inhabits open areas near water, such as riverbanks and streams.

Interesting Facts

Unlike many other birds, Vermilion Flycatchers catch their insect prey in midair with acrobatic flights, a thrilling behavior to observe.

Rare Red and Black Birds

Tricolored Blackbird

Description and Habitat

Similar in appearance to the Red-winged Blackbird, the Tricolored Blackbird sports a distinctive red patch with a white border on its wing. They typically live in large colonies in wetlands and grasslands.

Interesting Facts

Tricolored Blackbirds are social creatures, forming some of the largest breeding colonies of any North American land bird.



Description and Habitat

Often mistaken for the Northern Cardinal, the Pyrrhuloxia has a more grayish body with a red face, crest, and underparts. They are found in arid regions like deserts and scrublands.

Interesting Facts

These birds are adapted to their harsh environments and can get much of the water they need from their food.

Lewis’s Woodpecker

Lewis’s Woodpecker


Named after Meriwether Lewis, Lewis’s Woodpecker features dark greenish-black plumage with a splash of red on the face. Open woodlands and pine savannas are where they are most often found.

Interesting Facts

Lewis’s Woodpecker does not peck wood as frequently as other woodpeckers. Instead, it often catches insects in flight with its acrobatic flying skills.


Appreciating the Beauty of Red and Black Birds

The vivid red and black birds we’ve explored are just a glimpse into the incredible diversity of avian life. Their striking colors not only provide us with visual delight but also serve important ecological functions.

Encouraging Conservation Efforts

To ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy these beautiful creatures, it’s vital to support conservation efforts. Habitat preservation, responsible land use, and reducing pesticide use can all help protect bird populations.

